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Frequently Asked Questions for Prof Bewley and the UCSD Flow Control & Coordinated Robotics Labs

1.  Applications for graduate study:  To apply to join the UCSD Flow Control & Coordinated Robotics Labs as an MS or PhD student, please follow the instructions here, and indicate in your statement of purpose your interest in joining our group, including what specific projects caught your attention here, and what your background and inspirations are.  Feel free to follow up with an email to me describing your background and interests further - unfortunately, I get so many emails of this sort that I often can't keep up with them, so please don't be offended if I don't answer via email.  Rest assured that, if you apply to UCSD via the instructions listed above and indicate interest in joining our group, I will indeed be flagged in the admissions process, and examine your application materials closely.  Such interest is highly appreciated, though space & funding in the lab are limited.

2.  Classes to start with as an incoming MAE graduate student in robotics & control:  MAE144, MAE280a, MAE290a, MAE242.
MAE283a and Math271a are also quite useful.  These classes will help you to hit the ground running when you arrive at UCSD, and prepare you for doing research in the field of robotics and control.  For course suggestions after the first quarter, please come see me during office hours.  Plan to take more than the minimum number of classes required for your degree, as UCSD has a lot of fascinating and unique classes to offer!

3.  Applications for postdoctoral work:  Funding for postdoctoral work is extremely limited.  If I happen to have any such funding available, I will post information about the position here.  There may also be external sources (e.g., NSF or NASA fellowships) to support such postdoctoral studies.

4.  Undergraduate applications: To apply to UCSD as an undergraduate, click here.  If you are interested in doing research in our lab, please take our MAE144 course, which is offered every fall quarter, as soon as your schedule allows.  This course gets you up to speed on the initial knowledge you will need to develop and coordinate novel robotic systems in the subsequent quarters as an undergraduate research project (often, for credit as an MAE199 project), or/and as an MS thesis project.  Both modes are usually performed in close collaboration with a PhD student in the Coordinated Robotics lab.

5.  Becoming a benefactor:  A number of former students, parents, and others have expressed interest in supporting our lab financially.  This support is much needed and dearly appreciated.  Please visit our benefunder page for further discussion of the possible modes for this (endowing student fellowships, etc), then contact me directly to discuss further.

6.  Lab tours:  We usually do not schedule lab tours for individual high school groups, etc.  However, there are specific targetted outreach events each year that we almost always participate in, including the San Diego Maker Faire and the Jacobs School Research Expo, where you can meet the students of the lab and see some of the projects we are working on.

Physical/mailing address:

Prof Thomas Bewley

1805 ebu1 (Jacobs Hall)

Dept of MAE, UC San Diego

La Jolla, CA  92093-0411

Overnight mailing address:

(please email me the tracking number)

Prof Thomas Bewley
9700 Gilman Drive,  PMB 228
La Jolla, CA 92093-5010

phone: +1.858.997.xxxx (email me...)


phone:  +1.858.534.4287

fax/facebook/twitter: none.   linkedin.

GPS: 32.881390N, 117.234848W

Contact Information for Prof Bewley (please read the FAQs above first):

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